New records ratified at meeting of British Record (rod-caught) Fish Committee (BRFC) The BRFC met at Fishmongers Hall, London, on 10th June 2013.
Present were: Mike Heylin (Chairman), Nick Simmonds (Secretary), Oliver Crimmen (Scientific Advisor, Natural History Museum), Chris Clark (Angling Trust - marine), and Keith Speer (Angling Trust - freshwater)
The following claims were ratified by the committee as new records.
Coarse fish:
Specie: Bream (Abramis brama)
Record weight: 22lb 11oz (10.291kg)
Captor's name: Scot Crook
Date caught & venue: 07/04/2012, Ferry Lagoon, Cambridgeshire
Previous record: 20lb 1oz
Sea fish:
Specie: Ling (Molva molva)
Record weight: 67lb 5oz (30.533kg)
Captor's name: James Isbister
Date caught & venue: 23/02/2013, Muckle Flugga, Shetland Isles
Previous record: 59lb 8oz
Specie: Grey Gurnard (Eutrigla gurnardus)
Record weight: 2lb 7oz 8dr (1.120kg)
Captor's name: Kristian Quenault
Date caught & venue: 22/03/2013, Wreck off Plymouth
Previous record: 2lb 7oz
Specie: Spurdog (Squalus acanthias)
Record weight: 24lb 5oz (11.056kg)
Captor's name: Tom Walsh
Date caught & venue: 03/06/2013, Red Bay, Northern Ireland
Previous record: 21lb 3oz
Notes from the meeting:
Tom Walsh's new spurdog record has been processed and ratified by the BRFC in just one week from capture to ratification - a record in itself. 16 year old Tom's magnificent fish was caught from Hamish Currie's boat Predator, fishing out of Red Bay, County Antrim. Tom has agreed to donate his fish to the national collection at the Natural History Museum, and Hamish has kindly agreed to arrange the shipping. A photo of Tom with the new record spurdog is available - see picture below..
James Isbister's enormous ling has also been donated to the Natural History Museum - please see photo of Oliver Crimmen (below), Senior Fish Curator and the BRFC's Marine Scientific Advisor, with the fish in its new home.
The committee discussed the benefits of extending its membership to fully represent angling records right across the British Isles. The BRFC's current scope includes England, Wales, Scotland, The Isle of Man, The Channel Islands and Northern Ireland.
The committee revisited its ongoing discussions concerning the inclusion and/or exclusion of records for "cultivated" fish and for non-native species. There are many issues to consider around this subject and the committee is open to the views of the wider angling community. We would be pleased to receive constructive opinions and anglers are welcome to contact the Chairman, Mike Heylin, at in this regard.
Notes for editors:
The official British Records List and procedures are available on the Angling Trust website at or from the Secretary.
The initial telephone contact point of the BRFC remains at the Angling Trust Head Office on 0844 7700616 and email enquiries may be directed to the Secretary Nick Simmonds at
brfc@anglingtrust.netThe next meeting of the full committee is scheduled for December 2013. As previously the committee will continue to consider all claims as and when they arise and to keep captors informed as to progress.
Aims and Objects of BRFC
The Committee exists to recognise and publish record weights of both fresh and salt water fish caught on rod and line by fair angling methods in the waters of England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, The Isle of Man and the Channel Islands, and aims:
- To provide an adjudicating body to which marine and freshwater anglers may submit claims for re-cord fish taken by fair rod and line angling.
- To investigate all such record claims to the fullest possible extent and maintain a permanent record of such investigations.
- To establish and maintain accurately a list of British fish, marine and freshwater, of record size and to publish this list frequently and make it readily available to all interested persons.
The activities of the Committee are voluntary, and claims are considered and adjudicated upon, only on the basis that the Committee shall be under no obligation whatsoever to claimants, that its decisions shall be final, and it shall not be obliged to give reasons for its decisions.
Oliver Crimmen, Senior Fish Curator and the BRFC's Marine Scientific Advisor, with James Isbister's enormous 67lb 5oz (30.533kg) ling in its new home.
A photo of Tom Walsh with the new record spurdog at 24lb 5oz (11.056kg).