Why should I join the Angling Trust?
Well maybe you don't agree with everything it's doing but in general it is moving in the right direction and is our only united national voice.
Here is a list of what it has achieved so far:
ANGLING TRUST AND FISH LEGAL For Fish and Fishing: • Improving and protecting fish stocks
• Providing a strong and unified voice for angling
• Promoting the benefits of angling for all
• Standing up for the environment
• Making polluters pay
• Supporting excellence in angling
What have we achieved? • Created a united organisation as the single voice for all angling.
• Recruited 65 of the top names in fishing as Angling Trust ambassadors including Paul Young, Henry Gilbey
and Keith Arthur.
• Finally won the right to protect our fisheries better from cormorants and goosanders.
• Helped persuade parliament to oppose plans to build a barrage across the Severn Estuary.
• Successfully steered politicians away from massively increasing dredging in the aftermath of the 2014
• Working jointly with RSPB and WWF we published a hard-hitting report on the dangers of fracking for oil
and gas near sensitive rivers and watercourses.
• Won an injunction to stop a major River Trent hydropower scheme licensed to kill over 100 fish a day.
• Fought polluters in 50 separate legal cases and provided free legal advice to 220 Fish Legal member clubs
and fisheries in the last twelve months.
• Won a judicial review of the government’s river basin management plans and secured £100m of new
funding for improving rivers.
• Launched a radical new Charter for Chalk Streams to fight over-abstraction and deliver better protection for
these unique rivers.
• Won more than £1million a year in government funding to support the National Angling Strategy to get
more people fishing.
• Reduced poaching by educating thousands of Eastern European anglers about how to fish legally.
• Recruited the first 100 members of our Voluntary Bailiff Service in the South East, which is now being rolled
out to more regions.
• Won a review by government of the bass minimum landing size to protect vulnerable juveniles.
• Launched a campaign to protect fish stocks in estuaries from unsustainable netting
• Secured support from the Environment Minister for keeping canoeing restricted to rivers with a public right
of navigation and stretches with voluntary access agreements.
• Won amendments to the Water Bill that will help restore river flows.
• Forced the Environment Agency to start investigating pollution incidents properly.
• Delivered over 200 major competitions and supported our England teams to win 28 gold, 42 silver and 36
bronze medals at world championships and home internationals since 2009.
• Beat off angling bans and access restrictions to piers and docks
• Fought against the sell-off of the CEMEX fisheries to non-angling interests.
• Trained 1,600 coaches and helped introduce 125,000 people to angling in the past five years.
• Set up 35 County Angling Action Groups to get more people fishing more often.
• Successfully campaigned for a ban of the sale of invasive plants such as floating pennywort.
• Introduced new benefits and discounts for members on fishing, clothing, bait and tackle.
• Represented our sport on at regional, national and international level.