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» Thames Water live discharge map
The Angling Trust, Fish Legal and WWF-UK have secured a major step forward for the protection of England’s most important rivers and wetlands EmptySat Jan 21, 2023 6:32 pm by Ed Randall

» Feargal Sharkey accuses Thames Water of sewage 'dumping'
The Angling Trust, Fish Legal and WWF-UK have secured a major step forward for the protection of England’s most important rivers and wetlands EmptyFri Sep 04, 2020 4:24 pm by Ed Randall

» COVID-19 - Get Fishing Again
The Angling Trust, Fish Legal and WWF-UK have secured a major step forward for the protection of England’s most important rivers and wetlands EmptySun Jun 07, 2020 1:04 pm by Julian Jones

» Eel Trap Molesey - 2019
The Angling Trust, Fish Legal and WWF-UK have secured a major step forward for the protection of England’s most important rivers and wetlands EmptyTue May 05, 2020 12:29 pm by Glyn Jones

The Angling Trust, Fish Legal and WWF-UK have secured a major step forward for the protection of England’s most important rivers and wetlands EmptyWed Apr 15, 2020 7:13 am by Keith Collett

» Man missing in Thames at Shepperton
The Angling Trust, Fish Legal and WWF-UK have secured a major step forward for the protection of England’s most important rivers and wetlands EmptyTue Jan 21, 2020 3:27 pm by Ed Randall

» Semi-Tidal Draw off 2019
The Angling Trust, Fish Legal and WWF-UK have secured a major step forward for the protection of England’s most important rivers and wetlands EmptyMon Oct 28, 2019 9:55 pm by Ed Randall

» Citizen Science forum at ZSL ~ 29th October 2019
The Angling Trust, Fish Legal and WWF-UK have secured a major step forward for the protection of England’s most important rivers and wetlands EmptySat Sep 28, 2019 4:19 pm by Ed Randall

» Citizen Crane Forum ~ 16th and 29th October 2019
The Angling Trust, Fish Legal and WWF-UK have secured a major step forward for the protection of England’s most important rivers and wetlands EmptySat Sep 28, 2019 4:16 pm by Ed Randall

» Tidefest match result 2019
The Angling Trust, Fish Legal and WWF-UK have secured a major step forward for the protection of England’s most important rivers and wetlands EmptyTue Sep 10, 2019 8:50 am by Ed Randall

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The Angling Trust, Fish Legal and WWF-UK have secured a major step forward for the protection of England’s most important rivers and wetlands EmptyThu Aug 22, 2019 12:20 pm by Ed Randall

» Houseboat destroyed by fire in Hampton
The Angling Trust, Fish Legal and WWF-UK have secured a major step forward for the protection of England’s most important rivers and wetlands EmptyMon Aug 12, 2019 9:30 am by Ed Randall

» Local tackle shops
The Angling Trust, Fish Legal and WWF-UK have secured a major step forward for the protection of England’s most important rivers and wetlands EmptyFri Jul 05, 2019 1:16 pm by Trevor Rowe

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The Angling Trust, Fish Legal and WWF-UK have secured a major step forward for the protection of England’s most important rivers and wetlands EmptyFri Jun 14, 2019 12:24 am by Julian Jones

» FORCE Clean-Up in Donkey Wood ~ Sun 14th April 2019
The Angling Trust, Fish Legal and WWF-UK have secured a major step forward for the protection of England’s most important rivers and wetlands EmptySun Apr 21, 2019 8:19 am by Ed Randall

» The Big one - Farnborough 23rd-24th March 2019
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The Angling Trust, Fish Legal and WWF-UK have secured a major step forward for the protection of England’s most important rivers and wetlands EmptyTue Jan 22, 2019 9:27 am by Trevor Rowe

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The Angling Trust, Fish Legal and WWF-UK have secured a major step forward for the protection of England’s most important rivers and wetlands EmptyThu Jan 10, 2019 8:51 am by Ed Randall

» New Members: Real Names please
The Angling Trust, Fish Legal and WWF-UK have secured a major step forward for the protection of England’s most important rivers and wetlands EmptyThu Jan 10, 2019 8:36 am by Ed Randall

» Semi-Tidal draw-off 2018
The Angling Trust, Fish Legal and WWF-UK have secured a major step forward for the protection of England’s most important rivers and wetlands EmptySat Oct 27, 2018 5:44 pm by Ed Randall

» Thames Water Blitz - 19th/20th October 2018
The Angling Trust, Fish Legal and WWF-UK have secured a major step forward for the protection of England’s most important rivers and wetlands EmptyTue Oct 02, 2018 7:21 pm by Ed Randall

» Citizen Crane Forum ~ 26th October 2018
The Angling Trust, Fish Legal and WWF-UK have secured a major step forward for the protection of England’s most important rivers and wetlands EmptySat Aug 25, 2018 7:41 pm by Ed Randall

» Invitation to the 2018 Eel forum ~ 15th October
The Angling Trust, Fish Legal and WWF-UK have secured a major step forward for the protection of England’s most important rivers and wetlands EmptySat Aug 25, 2018 7:38 pm by Ed Randall

» Mystery of dead eels found in rivers
The Angling Trust, Fish Legal and WWF-UK have secured a major step forward for the protection of England’s most important rivers and wetlands EmptySat Aug 25, 2018 6:43 pm by Ed Randall

» Eel Trap Clean Up/ training 5th May 2018 10am
The Angling Trust, Fish Legal and WWF-UK have secured a major step forward for the protection of England’s most important rivers and wetlands EmptySat Aug 25, 2018 6:40 pm by Ed Randall

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The Angling Trust, Fish Legal and WWF-UK have secured a major step forward for the protection of England’s most important rivers and wetlands EmptySun Aug 19, 2018 12:48 pm by Admin

» Hampton Riviera removed
The Angling Trust, Fish Legal and WWF-UK have secured a major step forward for the protection of England’s most important rivers and wetlands EmptyThu Aug 16, 2018 10:41 pm by Ed Randall

» Roads closed everywhere ~ July 29th/30th ~ bike race
The Angling Trust, Fish Legal and WWF-UK have secured a major step forward for the protection of England’s most important rivers and wetlands EmptyMon Aug 06, 2018 10:14 am by John LeSurf

» *Thames Tunnel (Tideway Tunnel)*
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» new hotel at hampton court means loss of fishing
The Angling Trust, Fish Legal and WWF-UK have secured a major step forward for the protection of England’s most important rivers and wetlands EmptyWed Jul 04, 2018 1:26 pm by Ed Randall

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 The Angling Trust, Fish Legal and WWF-UK have secured a major step forward for the protection of England’s most important rivers and wetlands

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David Harvey

David Harvey

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The Angling Trust, Fish Legal and WWF-UK have secured a major step forward for the protection of England’s most important rivers and wetlands Empty
PostSubject: The Angling Trust, Fish Legal and WWF-UK have secured a major step forward for the protection of England’s most important rivers and wetlands   The Angling Trust, Fish Legal and WWF-UK have secured a major step forward for the protection of England’s most important rivers and wetlands EmptySat Nov 21, 2015 12:11 pm

The Angling Trust, Fish Legal and WWF-UK have secured a major step forward for the protection of England’s most important rivers and wetlands.

At a Judicial Review in the High Court, the three organisations claimed ministerial involvement had stifled action to address harmful pollution from farms – despite the Government legally committing to ensuring that the 44 protected freshwater sites were healthy by 2015.

The High Court judge recognised the need for urgent action to protect these sites and the wildlife that lives there. As a result of the legal victory, the Government must evaluate the use of mandatory Water Protection Zones (1) alongside voluntary steps by farmers, which have so far failed to protect these vulnerable places from farm pollution.

The judge in the case, Sir Andrew Collins, said it was “obviously of the greater importance” that proper measures were taken as soon as possible to meet the obligations of the Water Framework Directive (2).

He added: “We all know our wildlife is suffering as a result of pollution and not only wildlife, but people as well.”

Mark Lloyd, Chief Executive of the Angling Trust & Fish Legal, said: “This is a win for cherished species like the kingfisher, salmon and trout which are seriously threatened by this pollution. Salmon populations have declined by 40% in the last 30 years (3), and agricultural pollution is one of the most significant causes of this.

“This sends a clear message to Government that they must stop dragging their feet and now take the necessary steps to improve the health of these precious rivers and wetlands.”

David Nussbaum, Chief Executive of WWF-UK, said that the decision “takes the ministerial handcuffs off the Environment Agency” and allow it to better protect rivers and wetlands.

“The Government must now act with haste and put necessary measures in place to tackle pollution from farms that is devastating these specially protected sites,” he added.

In 2009, the Government publicly committed to using Water Protection Zones, which had previously been identified as the most appropriate and cost effective solution to tacking agricultural pollution affecting these specially protected sites, alongside voluntary steps by farmers. This decision was set in law after an extensive consultation process.

Investigations by the Angling Trust, Fish Legal and WWF-UK revealed that, in January 2011, Defra ministers and the Environment Agency decided to put the brakes on the use of Water Protection Zones, except as a ‘last resort’. This was despite overwhelming evidence that other measures to tackle the pollution problem would not be sufficient (4). The decision was not made public and no Water Protection Zones have been put in place to tackle this pollution.

David Nussbaum added: “This was an ideologically driven decision, taken behind closed doors, which contravened the Government’s public position. It also flew in the face of Defra’s own analysis which has repeatedly shown that relying on voluntary action by farmers alone would not solve the problem of agricultural pollution.”

The Government’s own figures show that getting three-quarters of rivers, lakes and wetlands up to good health would boost the economy by £8.5 billion – through increased tourism, recreation, improved flood resilience and enhanced quality of life (5). Conversely, agricultural pollution costs the water and tourism industries, and the taxpayer and angling groups, between £758 million to £1.3 billion each year (6).

Currently, only 17% of the rivers in England are in good health, according to the Government’s own statistics (7). In October 2015, the European Commission issued legal guidance warning the UK Government of its failures to implement EU water legislation. The EC’s warning may signal the beginnings of formal infraction proceedings which could lead to fines running into the millions of pounds a year (Cool.

David Wolfe QC, said: “Defra and the Environment Agency’s new statement should mean that they will now actively consider Water Protection Zones as the way of delivering benefits for the environment rather than waiting until other approaches had demonstrably failed before even turning to them.”

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The Angling Trust, Fish Legal and WWF-UK have secured a major step forward for the protection of England’s most important rivers and wetlands
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