Very interesting meeting today, first one I have been to and worthwhile for sure. The agenda is as below and a few of my notes beneath.
Thames River Basin District Eel Management Plan Implementation Group
Date: Friday September 26th 2014
Venue Zoological Society of London, Regent’s Park, London NW1 4NY
Time: 10.00am to 1.00pm
1. Welcome and introductions (All)
2. Chetney Marshes project Steve Mowatt
This is a fascinating project and really the first one of its kind. the are tagging adult Eel on the marshes to see how the populate this massive area and importantly (a common theme) is how they leave the marshes to head back out to sea. Will get more detailed info as and when
3. Citizen Science eel monitoring Joe Pecorelli
This was about what we and the other sites do in monitoring elvers on the Thames and tribs. Very interesting post discussion about how many are being found on the foreshore, particularly in the recent EA tidal surveys. Having on-going talks about a way we can survey the foreshores, maybe putting down slabs for them to hide under on low tide, and having a once a year survey on a number of sites.
4. The Sustainable Eel Group Andrew Kerr
I will reserve judgement of this group, certainly becoming influential but whether the driving factors, ie working towards sustainable Eel fishing is an agenda we would work with. They have tried to stock a few places and been stopped, as totally unsuitable as with the Crane last year, we will see.
What they are fully aware of and working on is the number of barriers we have on our rives and during the whole morning I don't think I have ever heard Hydropower mentioned that many times as a danger to Eels. in this newsletter Zac G helping to release eels into the Thames (100% publicity only) then supporting eel mincing Hydropower, oh the irony
5. Eel Recovery Plan dissertation Liam Byrne
Will get a copy and summary, very good indicators and plans
6. The IUCN eel assessment Matt Gollock
7. Comparison of historic and recent eel data Max Bain
A volunteer at the Natural History museum, is getting all the old paper documents from the EA and others and creating electronic versions using the data. This is from surveys to pollution incidents, massive project and look forward to seeing the results long term.
8. Progress on the Eel management Plan Darryl Clifton-Dey
9. AOB and date of future meetings
Overall very good, glad i got up early and attended.