Sent by the Sustainable Access Campaign Cymru, established by Angling Cymru, Angling Trust, Countryside Alliance, Country Land and Business Association, Fish Legal and the Welsh Salmon and Trout Angling Association
Campaign under way!
Dear Supporter,
Many thanks for registering your support for SACC on the web site. We have nearly 1,000 supporters already!
Please encourage everyone you know to sign up as well and tell them how quick and easy it is to do. Since launching our campaign, the volume of letters that have been sent to Ministers and Assembly Members seems to have had a positive impact; we heard at the end of last week that the Green Paper has been delayed until at least the end of January. It was originally scheduled for the autumn. We believe that this is because of the noise that we have made as a community.
However, it's really important that we keep up the pressure on the politicians and officials, so please do take the time to follow the instructions on the SACC website and write them even just a short letter or e-mail. They need to know how important protection of the countryside is to us, as constituents and voters...
This week, the Angling Trust launched a major dossier of evidence documenting the rise of unlawful canoeing, the role of the UK's Canoeing Governing Bodies in blocking the England and Wales Governments' policy of Voluntary Access Agreements and the impact on fisheries, anglers, angling clubs and riparian owners.
CLICK HERE to download the dossier.
Please do spread the word so that we can have a really impressive number of supporters and lots of letters going to the politicians.
If you or your organisation would like to make a donation to support the river access side of the campaign, then please either send a cheque payable to the Angling Trust to: Eastwood House, 6 Rainbow Street, Leominster, HR6 8DQ, marked “Sustainable Access Campaign Cymru”, or click on the new Donation button on the web site
HERE. All funds will be ring-fenced for work on this campaign.
Finally, if you belong to a club or organisation, please encourage them to get added to our supporting organisations page
With all best wishes and many thanks once again for your support,